Practical Tips for Managing Workload and Stress

Avoiding Burnout in Your First Year of Teaching

Reginald Ben-Halliday
2 min readJun 18, 2024
Photo by Hernan Sanchez on Unsplash

By avoiding some activities, you can dedicate more time to completing essential tasks as a teacher.

Burnout is an inevitable part of any career. Whether you love your job or not, improper workload management can lead to long-term exhaustion and a decline in interest, even if you’ve only been working for a year.

When I was a teacher, I experienced burnout despite teaching for just a year. The strategies I’m going to share are useful not only for first-time teachers but for professionals in any field.

Schedule your tasks

One effective way to overcome burnout is to schedule your tasks. Never try to do everything at once or on the same day, as this leads to accomplishing nothing. Sit down and prioritize your tasks according to their importance, setting aside specific times for grading, creating new notes, researching, and handling other school activities.

Say No To Other School Activities

Another crucial strategy is to limit your involvement in additional school activities. The school where I taught had…

